Just like email, texts can be blocked too! Follow these tips to make sure your important text messages get delivered to your candidates:
Keep texts as short as possible - ideally less than 240 characters. The shorter the text = the higher the response rate
Avoid using ALL CAPS and special characters such as $%#@/*
Keep URL links as short as possible and include no more than 1 in any text template
Avoid the use of free URL shorteners such as bit.ly and goo.gl (spammers are known to use these free tools a lot)
Always make sure the message is relevant and appropriate. Use 'FirstName' or 'LastName' fields to make them more personalized.
Additionally, there is no need to include a phone number for candidates to reach you (that's what call forwarding is for!)
Keep it professional: limit use of emojis, slang, acronyms (lol/WTF/Tx)