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How to connect Crelate ATS to Keeyora
How to connect Crelate ATS to Keeyora

Follow these easy steps to set up the API integration between your Crelate ATS & Keeyora.

Brian Thompson avatar
Written by Brian Thompson
Updated over 3 months ago

Connecting your Crelate ATS with Keeyora will allow users to send individual texts and launch text campaigns directly from within Crelate with all conversations instantly being saved under each contact profile within the ATS. This means that any user on the Crelate account can view and read text a log of all text message conversations with candidates at any time.

We have been working intentionally with the Crelate team to make this integration  as simple and quick as possible. Follow these steps and you'll be texting candidates through Crelate in minutes!

  1. Find your Crelate API key by opening the menu and click 'Manage Your Profile & Preferences':

2. Find and click 'API Access'

3. Enable API Access and copy the key

4. Go to your Keeyora Settings page and click on the Crelate logo in the 'INTEGRATIONS' tab

5. Toggle the 'Enable' button, paste the API key, and click 'Connect'

6. Your Keeyora account should now be connected to your Crelate account :)

7. Refresh your Crelate page then open a contact profile and click on the Keeyora icon to launch the Chrome extension and start texting. You can also text candidates by clicking on the Keeyora widget on the right-hand side of your browser (both will work!)


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